Kira Renée Kurz

Doctoral Candidate & Lecturer in Political Science


Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
4. Kurz, K.R., L. C. Wurthmann und M. Gross (forthcoming): The Influence of Age on Citizens’ Preferences for Age-Related Descriptive Representation. In: Politics and Governance

3. Kurz, K.R., Kohl, L., Lünser, J.F., Mazza, N., Pagenstecher, A.Z., Reichenbacher, B., Stuiber, J. und C. Witzemann (2024): „Political Demography“ – blinder Fleck der deutschen Politikwissenschaft? Eine einführende Literaturübersicht. In: Polit Vierteljahresschr. 

2. Kurz, K. R. & Ettensperger, F. (2023):  Introducing a new dataset: Age Representation in Parliaments on the Party-level. In: Statistics, Politics and Policy, online-first. 

1. Kurz, K. R. & Ettensperger, F. (2023):  Exploring the Conditions for Youth Representation: A qualitative comparative analysis of party parliamentary groups. In: European Political Science, online first. 
Journal Articles (editorial review)
1. Kurz, K. R. (2023): Mehr Demokratie wagen! Eine politikwissenschaftliche Replik auf die juristische Einschätzung zur Absenkung der Altersgrenze für das aktive Wahlrecht zum Deutschen Bundestag. In: ZParl, vol. 54(2), S. 440-451. 
Book Reviews

1. Kurz, K.R. (2024): Review of "Dommett, Katharine, Glenn Kefford and Simon Kruschinski. 2024. Data-driven campaigning and political parties—Five advanced democracies compared". In: Z Vgl Polit Wiss, 
  • The Influence of Party Youth Wings on Campaign Strategy and Candidate Selection - Lessons from Case Studies in Germany and France  (single author) 
Book: Youth Political Representation (editing with Brit Anlar)
  • Introduction: Conceptual challenges in the field of youth political representation (chapter written with Brit Anlar) 
  • The nexus of voting age, turnout and youth representation- a multilevel analysis of Germany (single author chapter)

My thesis project consists of a german-language monography on intergenerational/age-based conflicts and political parties in Germany and France.

Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal (Uni Freiburg)
Dr. Jay Rowell (Directeur de recherche CNRS) 

If you are interested in the topic, don't hesitate to get in touch, I'd love to meet other people working on similar questions!

„Political Demography“ – blinder Fleck der Deutschen Politikwissenschaft? Eine einführende Literaturübersicht

Kira Renée Kurz, Lucas Kohl, Julius Friedrich Lünser, Noelle Mazza, Adrian Zeno Pagenstecher, Beata Reichenbacher, Jonathan Stuiber, Carla Witzemann

Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 2024

Exploring the Conditions for Youth Representation: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Party Parliamentary Groups

Kira Renée Kurz, Felix Ettensperger

European Political Science, preprint, 2023

Introducing a New Dataset: Age Representation in Parliaments on the Party-level

Kira Renée Kurz, Felix Ettensperger

Statistics, Politics and Policy, vol. 14(3), 2023, pp. 357-374